Good evening everyone!!!
As you have all heard about the atrocities taking place in Kenya I am sure we have all been moved to
One bag of 90Kg or maize will feed a family of 6 for a month and costs $28.70.
If you would like to donate to this major need please feel free to do so by sending
a cheque to AMIC and we will make sure it gets to Bishop John Okinda to help with the need. Because of the danger of being
outside their homes, the shops have been closed and therefore no money is made. People are starving and many others from
surrounding areas are coming for refuge to Migori. There is a drastic need for food at the moment.
Thank you to all who are praying, we know that there is power in prayer and so we continue to do so.
We are suggesting that perhaps if you could wherever you are on Thurs. evening at 7pm join us in united prayer for
forgiveness for the awful things that have been happening. We could stand together before the Lord and ask Him to
release His blessing where they are most needed. If you would like to get a group together and pray for a half hour together
or alone, we can stand together as a body of Christ and intercede for the people of Kenya.
Here is a guideline if you would like to follow one. If not pray as you are led. Let the Holy Spirit lead you to pray for what is on
His heart for His people.
BUT: If we could all start with asking for forgiveness for what is on our own hearts in regards to the upheaval and
then move on for what has been done by the powers in authority, tribally, or individually we will all be starting on the
same page and with the same heart.
1. SEEK God's forgiveness for the upheaval started, for those who have caused such hurt and pain.
2. Pray for the politicians, leaders of committees, Bishop John, police etc. that they would have wisdom, strength
and discernment for the right course of actions to be taken.
3. Safety for the people especially the weak, elderly and children, those grieving, newly orphaned etc. Safety for the
churches that as they house the homeless and help others that they are not a target.
4. Pray against racial and religious hatred.
5. Pray for the refugees that have witnessed injustice, rape and mutilizations.
6. Pray for the orphans as they are moved into the new orphanage for safety.
I know our hearts are sorrowful but let us look to the Lord of Life who is still in control and who is worthy to be praised!
"Be anxious for nothing but in everything with prayer and thanksgiving make your requests known unto God"
We look forward to praying in the unity of the Holy Spirit with you on Thurs. Feb. 7th at 7pm!!!
"Wherever 2 or 3 are gathered in my name there am I in their midst!" God is a God who keeps His promises and even when
we don't understand why certain things happen we know that He does!! He is still GOD!!
I am enclosing the letter from Bishop John in case you have not read it yet.
Vinita Baker
(AMIC) Canada
Please pass this one to anyone else you know who has a heart for Kenya and or is already involved in the ministry there!!
Stan could you send this to the rest of the committee please? Thank you!